What is the relationship? 

       Relationship is an important word on which our whole life and our happiness are based. Even if we think deeply, a good and reliable relationship plays an important role in our success. Most important for all happy life. Require; A happy family - where all the people of the family live happily and peacefully, and a family where there is no doubt and confusion, a family where everyone trusts to each other.
      The relation of the whole family is called a large family relationship; Whose complete management and family prosperity depends on the happiness of one relationship and the power and trust of their mutual relationship. This is the relationship we are talking about. This relationship can also be a husband-wife relationship, a partner relationship. Are, whose happiness, mutual harmony and mutual trust can make a family happy and such a family can become the ideal family. We all dream of such a family.

How can we make the relationship happy and secure?

       Any relationship is based on love; The main purpose of which is - to give your partner all the happiness and goodness that he /she feels to be safe, increase self-confidence and that he /she will be able to achieve his / her goal and work. He / she do not feels lonely and bored. 
He should feel like someone is there; Who can listen to him, whom he can consider as his own, which he can make the purpose of his life and fulfill his purpose.
       But today such relationships are rarely heard. So what has happened now that we have forgotten the definition of relationships and their importance. If we search for them, we will find that we do not know to love, to love us is an enjoyment. The object seems to be and the feelings of mistrust are attached to both. And the result is that as soon as the partners meet; Negative and unwavering questions start to appear, never seem to have any attachment; In each other, it seems as if both are facing each other. Things come to an end - from a quarrel. At such times it seems that we are not having any relationship, we are facing an unwanted disaster.

We need to pay attention to these important things; To understand a relationship and to preserve it respectfully:-

     1. Love is a sacred emotion - to sustain a relationship , cannot be consumed by a single objective; Its main objective is to respect, protect, cheer each other's feelings, to provide support in all the activities of the partner and in all their troubles. To increase the self-pride of the partner; in society and in the family.
     2. Any relationship / love will be successful, in which there is no negative desire or greed. If we accept a relationship only because of the partner's attraction / some style / special reason for it, then assume that as soon as your partner has it Your attraction or reason will end, your attachment will decrease. So if the relationship is to be successful, then love the partner wholeheartedly - not with mind. Existence began appearing and in his joy / sorrow then you feel  happy / sad this relationship will give us true happiness.
     3. We have to know our partner's daily troubles, accordingly we will have to keep our actions / expectations from them, so that they can be free from stress and their self-confidence will be engaged in their work. If you are asking for help, then definitely help them and if possible, they will also boost their morale; at such a time, this will increase your respect in their heart.
     4. We should blindly trust the partner. Never because of what I heard from others; Doubting and doubting without any reason can shake the foundation of your relationship. If you have any doubt then never hide from your partner and talk to them openly.
      5. By identifying the partner's deficiencies, we should support them; They should also develop. This will increase their love and respect for you more.
      6. If ever due to any tension or any other reason, the partner quarrels with you or abuses; If you forget the mistake, do not make it a palm of your mind and forget it. This will keep the peace of the house and your partner will definitely realize their mistake.
      7. Valuing the partner's self-esteem, giving them freedom should be your first responsibility; if you want an ideal family, I mean to say that they like to live / like to wear / or to make their work easier. two ; Never impose your conditions on them.
      8. We should treat the partner as a friend and not as a strict ruler. We should take their opinion in every important decision we make; This will increase their self-esteem and your respect will increase in their heart.
      9. We should come to thank them for the cooperation and respect they have given and try to give them hapiness by heart as much as possible.
     10. No matter how busy we are in our work, make sure to take time for the partner and share their day to day talk and experience. This will increase their attraction and affinity towards you; Honor too.
    11. There should be good understanding of both for each other.

      I believe that if the above things are implemented and we have done self-analysis; By removing the ego inside us and our negative thinking ;  and  also respecting our partner's wishes in the bondage of old culture / systems, we will be able to have a happy relationship as a result.

I look forward to your valuable suggestions and support. Please help me in my efforts.


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